Publication Fee(s)

IJLET claims no fees for article submission, proccesing or printing and access to articles. For this reason, IJLET is non-profit journal.

The editorial board may demand that the manuscripts be edited for language mistakes. In accordance with the suggestion made by field editors or reviewers, the author(s) who has been requested to get his/her manuscript edited must do so referring to one of the accredited companies and present a related document to the editorial board afterwards. Incurring fees are paid by the author(s) to the company which authors choose.

The articles in IJLET are published as full texts both in English and Turkish. The journal does not have any translation or proofreading services for this purpose, but IJLET may recommend some accredited companies to the author(s) only if needed. Incurring fees are paid by the author(s) to the company which authors choose.